(what college reading looks like vs what summer reading looks like)

C U R R E N T L Y   R E A D I N G 

Brideshead Revisted | Evelyn Waugh 
Man Alive | GK Chesterton
Short Stories | Flannery O'Connor
Psalm 8 | King David 
The Unsettling of America | Wendell Berry
On Earth as It Is in Heaven | David Vincent Meconi, SJ

After several months of intensive reading + studying, I'm so.grateful. to have the chance to read for fun. College has made me enjoy reading far more than I ever have but has also made me a lot more prone to buying books.....and a lot of them....oopsie.  Oh well. Can't complain. Books make life just a smidgen more delightful, especially when you can talk your brother into setting up a hammock in the backyard. Mmmm. Bliss. 

What books are you burring your nose into this summer? 


  1. kristin lavransdatter, no name, all kinds of l.m. montgomery books. even with no school during the year i still feel the habit of summer being for "fun" reading. ♥

    1. Mmm. Wonderful. Do you read these sorts of books aloud to Rosamund? I've been thinking that I should dedicate a couple weeks to revisiting childhood favorites such as Montgomery. It's been too long since I've picked up many of the books that I love years ago.

      Enjoy your reading list. ♥

  2. Replies
    1. I'M DYING.

      Thanks for making me laugh, you pompous old bear.

  3. i LOVED Man's Search For Meaning -- did you?
    i'm currently re-building my reading list after not reading for quite awhile, but currently i'm re-reading Anne of Green Gables. :)

    1. Hey sofia! Everyone I know who has read Frankl's book really loved it which is why I feel so strange for not being that impressed. Granted, I was reading it for my intro to philosophy class and I was mostly just peeved that we were reading a psychology book when we could've been reading more Aristotle or Aquinas...so I feel a little cheated...that's not a great reason for not liking a book, but that's part of the equation.

      Anyway, it was okay, but by no means exemplary in my opinion. Perhaps I'm missing something and it deserves another chance. We'll see. :)


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